Camden County (MO)
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Lake Ozark is a city in Camden and Miller counties. Bordered to the northeast by the town of Bagnell and to the south by the city of Osage Beach.
Lake of the Ozarks is located in Benton, Camden, Miller, and Morgan Counties in Missouri WikiPedia
Lake of the Ozarks State Park is located in Camden and Miller counties, Missouri, United States WikiPedia
Camden County Government
- 151.07, 156.045; 153.7925, 159.12; 159.12, 156.015 Mobile Extenders (NFM) KAB818
, 463.65 Repeater (NFM/DMR)
Camden County EMA
- 159.12 Base/Mobile (at Camdenton) WXB769
- 151.07, 156.045; 153.7925, 159.12; 159.12, 156.015 Mobile Extenders (NFM), 463.65 Repeater (NFM/DMR) KAB818
Municipalities and Districts
Camdenton (City) WEB
Camdenton Fire WEB
Climax Springs
Coffman Bend Fire Association
- 154.22 (County Fire) Repeater with 158.925 input (NFM) WNQE768
Northwest Fire Protection District
Lake Road FF14/FF17 Volunteer Fire Department
Lake Ozark WEB
Lake Ozark Fire Protection District WEB
Horseshoe Bend Road District (Lake Ozark)
Linn Creek (City) WEB
Linn Creek Police WEB
- Mobile extenders on 853.8625/808.8625 (P25) WSGC660 Issued 12/24
Linn Creek Fire
Macks Creek
- 155.625 BM Police FMN WNIM961 [Expired 8/02]
Southwest Camden County Fire Protection District (Macks Creek)
Mid-County Fire Protection District (Camdenton) WEB
- Mobiles on 159.0225, 155.7975 (NFM) WPHI739
Osage Beach (City) WEB
- <Mostly in Camden County, with a small eastern sliver is in Miller County (near the Lake of the Ozarks)
- 12/22 new 452.325 FX0 (NFM Voice/Data)F/E WRVQ416
- 453.3 FX0 at Outdoor Warning Site on Breezewood Rd; 453.925 FX0 at Water Tank of Bluff Dr (NFM voice) WQA427 [License w/ 154.965 Repeater]
Osage Beach Fire Protection District WEB
- 4W Mobile Extenders on 460.375 (NFM, P25) WSHN676 Issued 3/25 (replaced expired license with VHF repeaters)
Stoutland Volunteer Fire Department
Sunrise Beach
- New 2/25 - Police Mobile Extenders on 852.0875, 807.0875 (P25). WSHF401
Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District
- 7/23 New license Fixed/Mobile extenders on 851.0375, mobiles on 806.0375 (NFM) WRYC406 probably for MOSWIN
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
(Repeaters at Camdenton, Climax Springs, Montreal, Macks Creek) (BF at Camdenton)
Lake West Ambulance WEB FB
- Former Cam-Mo Ambulance District
- Located on the west side of Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. We cover 244 square miles in portions of Camden and Morgan Counties.
- The District handles more than 1100 emergency medical calls each year. Responding from 2 stations near the towns of Laurie and Sunrise Beach.
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
Unit IDs
Lake Ozark Fire Protection District
STATION 1 Ladder 21, Engine 21, Rescue 21, Dive 21, Brush 21, Medic 21, and Reserve Engine 21.
STATION 2 Ladder 22, Engine 22, Tanker 22, Medic 22, and Brush 22.
STATION 3 Engine 23, Tanker 23, Brush 23, and a Mass Casualty Unit.
STATION 4 ??? Engine 23, Tanker 23, Brush 23, and a Mass Casualty Unit.???
Marine Unit 37' Silvership. 30' Fountain, and 18' Jon Boat. Boat 21: 500 Yacht Club Landing Dr, Lake Ozark, MO 65049 Boat 22: 3070 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Schools and Colleges
Camdenton WEB
Camdenton R-3 School District WEB
- Hurricane Desk Elementary - Sunrise Beach - 152.885 Repeater with 159.855 input (NFM) WQWU613
- Osage Beach Elementary - Camdenton - 151.67 Repeater with 158.385 (NFM) WQWM404
Mack's Creek School WEB
- High School - 152.93 Repeater with 159.285 input (NFM) WSAG500
New Tribes Language Institute (Roach)
- Religious School - 154.415 Base/Mobile WNKG275
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation
FAA: | OZS |
City: | Camdenton |
County: | Camden |
State: | Missouri |
TRACON: | ? |
ARTCC: | Kansas City |
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Database | AirNav |
Forum | FlightAware |
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Aviation FAQ | Aviation Glossary |
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Wiki FAQ | MediaWiki |
QuickRef | PDF Card |
Welcome to the Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport (OZS) aviation section of this article, the airport located in Camden County, Missouri.
This is where you, the user, may index any articles, frequencies-lists, etc. that you develop for scanning related topics for this airport.
Airports: The Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport has a runway length of 5,000 feet. Coupled with the installation of an AWOS III-P/T and GPS approach, Camdenton Memorial is quickly becoming the airport of choice in the area for corporate and private aircraft alike. For commercial air services, Springfield - Branson National Airport (80 miles) and Columbia Regional Airport (78 miles) provide scheduled flights daily.
- AWOS data Link F 458.1625 WQNC204
- This airport was formerly known as "Camdenton Memorial Airport (H21)".
Jefferson City Flying Service WEB
- AWOS data Link F 458.1625 WQNC204